The failure mode from vibration is fatigue due to repeated cycling. ASME B31.3 requires that piping be "designed, arranged, and supported to eliminate excessive and harmful effects of vibration" without providing further rules. Appendix W High-Cycle Fatigue Assessment of Piping Systems was introduced in the 2018 edition of B31.3, but this appendix is non-mandatory, very new, subject to owner's approval and has not been widely adopted. The preferred option is to eliminate vibration and if this is not possible, to perform a screening assessment - for example as per the methods in the Energy Institute's Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue in Process Pipework.
If a detailed analysis is required then available methods include:
- ASME OM-3 (piping beam models)
- ASME B31.3 Appendix W (piping beam models)
- ASME VIII Division 2 (advanced FEA Models typically with shell elements)
- Welded Joint Fatigue Curves